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4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne

Acne affects patients of all ages, although there is a higher incidence in the teenage years and in adult women. Acne can occur when an oil gland becomes blocked, causing a comedone (commonly called “whiteheads” and “blackheads) to form.

Acne affects patients of all ages, although there is a higher incidence in the teenage years and in adult women. Acne can occur when an oil gland becomes blocked, causing a comedone (commonly called “whiteheads” and “blackheads) to form. They can then become inflamed, infected, or grow very large and painful. There are a number of causes, including bacteria, hormones, oil over-production, and inflammation. The following are some simple ways to treat and/or prevent acne.

Basic Skin Care

While oily skin is commonly thought of to cause acne, all skin types can suffer from acne. Sebum, the oily substance that your sebaceous glands produce serves an essential purpose as a protective layer for your skin. While sebum itself is not the cause of acne, if the sebaceous glands are blocked by dead skin, the overproduction of sebum under the surface of the skin can lead to acne. This is why, regardless of skin type, it is essential to clean the face daily to remove any dirt or dry skin build up and moisturize well afterward. Depending on skin type (oily, dry or combination), different face washes and moisturizers may need to be used. Be sure to discuss these issues with your dermatologist to get the best outcome for your skin.

Hydration and Diet

While the lack of hydration and poor diet are not the cause of acne, they can have a significant impact on how severe it is or how often you have a breakout. Staying hydrated is a very easy way to help prevent acne and maintain healthy skin. Be sure to always drink multiple glasses of water a day (ideally 8 glasses or 64 ounces). Avoiding sugar can also help prevent acne. This includes soda, desserts, chocolate, and even other foods with simple sugars such as bread, rice, and pasta. Dairy (milk, cheese, whey protein) can have an impact on some patients’ acne, and avoiding it may improve your condition.

Reduce Stress

Stress can be another trigger for acne breakouts. This includes physical, mental and emotional stress. Stress can increase certain hormones in the body, which can cause worsening inflammation. Stress relief methods vary from person to person, but identifying the cause of your stress is the first step to reducing it, and frequent exercise is one easy way to relieve it.


Skin Care Specialty Physicians has been serving the residents of the greater Baltimore area for over ten years.  From skin cancer screenings to treatments for hair loss, eczema, acne, and more, we treat conditions affecting your skin, hair, and nails. We diagnose a wide range of skin conditions each day and work with you to select treatment options that best fit you and your skin. We also offer a variety of cosmetic treatments and procedures, ranging from Botox to microneedling, to fit you and your aesthetic goals. If you are interested in any of our services, contact us at 410.252.9090. You can also follow SCS Physicians on Facebook & Twitter.

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